Sunday, September 28, 2008


This weekend has been interesting to say the least.. Friday wasn't such a great day once I found out Derrick wasn't coming up & he chose to go to the ND football game instead.. Believe me, I called & said a few choice words.. yes, yes, i apologized later! BUT all my feelings just came rushing out later that night. How much time i put into driving home practically every weekend & how i never get the same from him. Plus so so so much more that has been on my heart here recently. I knew it needed to be talked about. so i just got on my computer & just started typing away, a letter that would probably never be read. (or so i thought) He insisted i read it to him once i brought up that i had wrote it. i think it actually has made a world of difference. i knew if he knew what was best & if he meant want he said Friday night then he would be here Saturday. He realizes how much it affects me when i feel like he doesn't want to have a part in my life at Purdue. I mean i know he's an IU fan, but it's really not that bad! To my surprise, at 2:30 saturday afternoon I get a phone call saying, "I'm here, hurry up!" WHAT?! so his gma that spoils the crap outta him rode up with him & she stayed with her sister in Delphi, which is only 20 minutes from here. I was in shock, I couldn't believe he was really sitting on my couch in Lafayette, but I got over that pretty quick! =] He took me out to eat at Logan's Roadhouse and I took him on campus to show him around. He asked questions & seemed interested, so I felt a lot better. We came back & watched football, football, & more football. I think I know every upset from Saturday night football! This morning he was like ummm is there a Gander Mountain around here? haha OF COURSE! We went to Sportsmans Warehouse & then he cooked me lunch. How sweet.. ha So he just left & I am beyond thankful. This weekend started off terrible & ended up being just what I asked for. As far as I know, he hasn't died yet from actually visiting Purdue either. Well now I need to go studyyy :( yuck! i'll write more later!

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