Tuesday, September 23, 2008


sooo some of you know i got a tattoo, but a lot of people haven't figured it out yet..

don't feel bad if you didn't know, i didn't really publicize it that much, derrick wasn't so hot on the decision. anyways.. i got it on Tuesday Sept 9th. That was exactly one year since my uncle passed away from muscular dystrophy. He meant soo much to me & my family, and I had to see him suffer through a lot of pain throughout the last six months of his life. so the initials are obviously for his name Brian Douglas Edwards and the puppy prints are because of his love for his service dog, Gina. Gina was EVERYTHING to him and I don't know what he would've done without her. It could've even come to him not living as long as he did. She is now just a pet to us & we don't make her work, but we always think of him when we see her!

The final product.. =]

Yes, it hurt... Talking to my mom on the phone while getting it done. I think I stressed her out!


Abbie said...

O my goodness..you are a blogger now?? I'm soooo excited:) Well...all I can say is that since I've met you a few years ago, I have gotten to know you more and more and love you so much! You seem like my little sister and I'm just sooooooooooo glad you are a part of my life! Love ya, honey!!

Desiree' said...

I like the tattoo!! Ive always wanted one but just never really had the guts to go get one!

Alyssa said...

thanks =] it hurt! i'm not even going lie! i think it was when he filled in the circles, it felt like it was dragging my skin! ugghh makes me cringe right now!